Many people see that question and they misinterpret what BBW actually means. I have heard so many variations on it. Big Breasted Woman, Big Black Woman. . . the list goes on. What in fact BBW means is Big Beautiful Woman. And the big beautiful women are loved.
You don't have to be built like Barbie to make money as a web cam model. You don't have to be tall or blond. Men love a little bit of curve in a woman. Some of the funnest women on cam are curvy and fun. A killer smile and the right outfit can make you a total web cam modeling star.
This goes back to one of my previous blogs about webcam modeling. Customers love realism. They love when the web cam model has the appearance of someone real. Yes, there are completely picture perfect models online who make a killing because they are an unattainable fantasy, but there are just as many models online who give the customers a sense of someone they might actually be able to meet in real life. The model may remind them of someone they know or knew. The model may not be out of the customer's league. No, you will never meet that customer, but you can create a storyline for them or a theme for them. You also have to remember that just like every model is different, every customer is different.
Internetmodeling also has a BBW category. This particular site actually has the largest number of BBW models on it. Internetmodeling also has their models appear on a very large list of cam type sites. So, the exposure you get as a BBW is increased and your visibility to customers looking for just that is increased. It becomes quite easy for you to connect with customers interested in just that.
Remember, whoever you are and whatever your features are, there is room for you on cam. Nobody is excluded, and everybody can make money. The amount of money you make is up to you. It actually depends on your personality and how well you connect with customers. A big problem with some of the picture perfect looking models is they have personalities of rocks. Yes, I said it - they are like rocks. They care only about themselves, and just sit there waiting for money to come in from customers. The look you have, while it might not be perfect for everyone, it is perfect for some people. And when they find you online, and you win them over with fun, upbeat, flirty conversation, not only will you see the money come rolling in, but you will also get the ego boost of your life. Sometimes, the compliments and uplifting comments actually become just as valuable as the money.
Make money at from home while in quarantine. Become a webcam model and work from home. A great way to pay your bills if you lost your job or are out of work. Make money fast.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
How Much Money Can A Webcam Model Make?
How much does a webcam model make? This is obviously one of the most commonly asked questions in the webcamming industry. Sadly, over zealous promoters and recruiters answer this question often times with over exaggerated amounts. I’ve seen people answer $50,000 or $100,000 a year. I have even seen one recruiter answer $250,000 a year.So, truth be told, a webcam model can in fact earn $250,000 a year. This can be completely true, however the recruiter answering $250,000 did not go on to explain how this is possible.
So how is this possible? How can a webcam model earn $250,000 a year? Well, there are a number of ways this can happen. Perfection. There are some models who are drop dead gorgeous – perfect features from the muscle tone to the smile, the hair to the hips. If you have a phenomenal body and killer looks, people are going to pay to see your body. These blessed people can pull in hundreds of dollars an hour. But that’s not the only way to make triple digits. Some models are former porn stars. These models have higher rates, are identified as porn stars online, and are also recognized by fans and people curious to spend time with a porn star. These people have a definite financial earnings advantage. But most models are not perfect looking specimens and most are not porn stars. These two groups make up about 2% of the webcam modeling community. The other 98% are people just like you and me.
And in fact, it is possible for people like you and me to earn $250,000 a year. But again, the recruiters who give these figures fail to provide details. Models who make that much may work 40 hours a week or more on camera. Remember, you make your own hours on a webcam. There are some models who may spend over 100 hours a week on their webcam. There is no limit on when you can be on or off line. Dedicated models can spend all day and night on camera if wanted. Obviously if these models have the ability to be a full time webcam model, they are going to have maximized earnings. I DO NOT RECOMMEND QUITTING A JOB TO PURSUE WEBCAM MODELING FULLTIME. At least not until you have an established fan base. This is another thing recruiters fail to tell you when they mention three figure dollar amounts. Webcam models who make that much money have taken the time to retain solid regular customers. Regular customers are key. They get email notifications when you are online. They make sure to be online when that performer is online. They follow the models schedule. Models who have returning customers make the most money. You don’t make that kind of money by logging on randomly and hoping someone takes you private.
So how much money can you expect to make? This is a trick question. It all depends on how often you are online. My personal schedule is very conflicted. I have little time to be online. Generally, there are 2 weekdays where I can work 4 – 5 hours during the day. Then, I can work 3 nights during the week from 7:00 – 10:00. During these times I can make really good money. I really did not work even half of what i just listed during the months of July and August. During summer, I usually just logged on 2 nights a week for regular customers, but was able to make about $200 each night. Winter is far better for me and I make much more when I am confined to the house. Here are screen shots of my earnings from February through August:
That’s over $4,000 in 7 months working a few hours a night. Yes it’s not $250,000 a year, but I am working very minimal hours online. So for me, this is perfect. I was able to pay off my credit cards and do a lot of things over the summer I wouldn’t have been able to do with the income from my full time job. With winter approaching, I will be online more often and maximize my earning. By the end of the year I will be in double digits easily. I am hoping to be at $25,000 from webcam modeling alone.
Now, seeing what I make working minimal hours during my free time, maybe you can answer the question yourself as to how much does a webcam model make. You might be able to work more hours. You might be able to commit to a solid schedule. You may be better with people then me. You may be better looking then me. There are a million factors as to how much you can make as a webcam model, and those factors are completely in your control.
Remember, you do not have to be smoking hot. I am not. I don’t have a perfect body. I don’t think I am anything more then average looking. I don’t even compare to those models physically. I am just a normal, everyday looking person. I don’t turn heads when I’m in public, but online I am constantly told how beautiful I am, how perfect I am. What makes me so perfect? I guess it’s the fact I smile when I’m online and I connect to customers. Customers want that. In fact that is more valuable to them then a perfect body. Perfection is unattainable and customers know perfection is fantasy. Flaws are reality. Embrace everything about yourself and you can make a killing. The money is out there and it’s waiting for you.
Why not take the chance and find out for your self how much money you can make as a webcam model. I use With this site, you can maximize your earnings and make the most of what you have.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Couples Webcam Modeling
Can Couples Make Money On Webcam Modeling Sites?
Do Couples Make Money On Web Cams?
You’re young and beautiful. You love having sex and think why not get paid for it – right? Lots of young couples are looking for an extra way to make money, especially with the economy being what it is and the holiday season approaching. So can couples make money on a webcam? Of course they can. There is a high demand for couples on cam. Many people want to watch couples for a number of reasons. There’s the turn on of being in a 3 way, the excitement of real sex (not prerecorded or scripted) and the fact that the viewer has control over what they see. With web cams, a viewer may want to see a specific angle, or ask the couple to speed up or slow down. The customer can direct the couple to see exactly what they want.
Every site has a category for couples. Internetmodeling has a category where couples can register and make money on cam. If you are a fun, energetic couple and like to be watched, you can make a great deal of money.
However, many couples don’t make it online as web cam models for very long and I am going to tell you why. First of all, some couples figure, “Hey, there’s two of us. Let’s each use a computer and see if we can get a viewer from 1 of 2 live sites.” Doesn’t work. If you are a couple and determined to be online just to get sales, you will have no appeal what so ever. Take a moment to look at the live sites. Scroll over each profile. When you do this, you will see where it says “Free Chat”, “Private Chat” or “Member Chat” under their image. Now pay close attention to what the couple is doing. You will see tons of them where the woman is being sexy and the guy is parked at the computer only showing his arm or whatnot. No customer is going to want to have this couple perform. The guy isn’t even involved. Hell, he doesn’t even realize the girl is there for all you know. As you continue to watch those rooms, you will see the girl get bored. Nothing sexy about that. If you are going to make money as a couple, get off the keyboard. Customers can hear you. You don’t need to be sitting at the computer. Are you on the web cam to make money or surf the web. Play on the internet when you are off camera. Only be logged in to one site at a time so that you can play attention and flirt while on camera. Customers will not want to spend time with a couple who is not focused, connected and having fun. There is nothing more pointless then being a couple on a web cam when one of you is being sexy and the other is not even in the camera frame or paying attention.
The couples that do best on these sites are the ones who are both in the camera frame. Playing, rolling around, turning each other on. If you do this, not only do you turn each other on, but you turn the customer on and are guaranteed private chats left and right. You can try doing two sites at once. I wouldn’t recommend it because
1) you can get your accounts terminated for doing that
2) you are not focused on each other
3) it is not sexy in any way shape or form if you are not able to pay attention to customers talking to you
4) you will not engage customers to make any money at all.
Look over the couple profiles again.. See the ones rolling around, touching each other and having fun? Isn’t that more enticing to you as a viewer. Now watch over time and see which couple has a Private Chat first – the couple rolling around or the couple focusing on typing at the computer. I think you already know the answer.
Another way couples make huge money is by making sexy foreplay videos they use as a video teaser. Roll around, get each other excited, talk to the camera like you were talking to a person while you are doing. Act like the camera is a person there. Tell them what it feels like to be rolling around and what you would do to that person if they were there. Couples who have sexy, well made foreplay videos do better then any other couples online. This way customers can kind of see what they will get and have an idea of how great you 2 are.
On I would take a whole different approach to the couples gig. My suggestion is to create 3 accounts. One for each person and a couple account. Here is why. Sometimes connecting with a couple is hard. Solo accounts do make more money. I have seen couples on make minimal money, but when each person from that couple has a solo account, they can quadruple their earnings. This of course is if you can handle each other being on cam and being sexy without you. Some people can handle it – knowing it’s just for money, doesn’t mean anything and is all work. But, some people can’t. If you can’t stick to the couple only account. On I have seen couples make ridiculous amounts of money together. I have also seen couples make close to nothing as a couple, but then hundreds of dollars a week as solo performers. Then you think about that – 2 people from a couple each making hundreds of dollars a week as solo performers, and that household has over $1,000 extra from that week alone.
Here is one very sly trick if you have solo accounts and couple accounts. For the guy, mark one of your categories as jerk buddies or bi-curious. As time goes on and you get comfy with the regular customers – especially the “straight” or bi ones. See if they talk about girlfriends or wives. If they do, use that to talk about being with a woman. This usually will excite them beyond belief. Let them know you have a girlfriend.. Ask them if they want to see you on cam with her. Don’t let on that she has a solo account. Make them feel like you are going to see if you can get her on cam. If you have a lot of guys who you can do this with, and bring her on for a special show for them, you will be getting regular customers on your couple account all the time. Just ease into it. Work solo and build up the interest in people wanting to see you with your partner. Ladies, you can do the same thing. Work solo and talk to men. Ask them over time if they would like to see you on cam with a man. Build both your solo account and your couple account this way.
For couples, you have to remember that customers want a connection with you. They want to feel like you really want them with you. If you are exclusive with each other in real life, don’t let on to that on camera. Customers don’t want to hear things like “She’s all mine” or “Only I get this.” You have to excite them. make them feel like they could be part of your world. Remember – it’s all acting. It’s all work. Don’t ever get mad or jealous of your partner. Your goal here is to make money. Just remember that. Essentially you are just roleplaying. Putting on a show.
In discussing and answering this question, I basically took it from the perspective of a male/female couple. There are other variations available. There are male/male couples, female/female couples, threesomes and groups. So the limitations as to who can perform with who are basically non-existent.
Regardless of what group you are in, you can earn money on a webcam. You just need to remember that when you are online, you are setting yourself up to make money. Don’t blow it by not paying attention to customers, and each other when on camera. The overall answer to this question is yes you can make money as a couple on a webcam so long as you aren’t spending more time playing on the computer then you are with each other. If you are a couple, be a couple. Show your customers you are a couple and not just some girl standing there in underwear and a guy sitting at the desk. make people want you as bad as you want each other.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
What Webcam Modeling Sites Get The Most Traffic?
Knowing what sites are very important in determining what sites you sign up for. Obviously, the more traffic, the more money you will make. There are a number of sites available to look at how different sites rank in the world of the internet. One good way to see what sites are getting traffic is by looking on
Internetmodeling is a little trickier to track the number of visitors because when you got to that site, it is actually to sign up for modeling as opposed to seeing webcam models perform. Internetmodeling lists their models on several different sites. Generally they promote their models on adult sites in links and to subsidiary websites. So, the exposure you can get is overwhelming. They claim that they get over 5 million hits a day. Whether this is counting every time any model is clicked or anytime one of their subsidiaries is viewed is unclear. But, the fact that you have exposure to endless customers looking to spend money on you is very real.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
How Much Money Do Webcam Models Make

How much does a webcam model make? This is obviously one of the most commonly asked questions in the webcamming industry. Sadly, over zealous promoters and recruiters answer this question often times with over exaggerated amounts. I’ve seen people answer $50,000 or $100,000 a year. I have even seen one recruiter answer $250,000 a year.So, truth be told, a webcam model can in fact earn $250,000 a year. This can be completely true, however the recruiter answering $250,000 did not go on to explain how this is possible.
So how is this possible? How can a webcam model earn $250,000 a year? Well, there are a number of ways this can happen. Perfection. There are some models who are drop dead gorgeous – perfect features from the muscle tone to the smile, the hair to the hips. If you have a phenomenal body and killer looks, people are going to pay to see your body. These blessed people can pull in hundreds of dollars an hour. But that’s not the only way to make triple digits. Some models are former porn stars. These models have higher rates, are identified as porn stars online, and are also recognized by fans and people curious to spend time with a porn star. These people have a definite financial earnings advantage. But most models are not perfect looking specimens and most are not porn stars. These two groups make up about 2% of the webcam modeling community. The other 98% are people just like you and me.
And in fact, it is possible for people like you and me to earn $250,000 a year. But again, the recruiters who give these figures fail to provide details. Models who make that much may work 40 hours a week or more on camera. Remember, you make your own hours on a webcam. There are some models who may spend over 100 hours a week on their webcam. There is no limit on when you can be on or off line. Dedicated models can spend all day and night on camera if wanted. Obviously if these models have the ability to be a full time webcam model, they are going to have maximized earnings. I DO NOT RECOMMEND QUITTING A JOB TO PURSUE WEBCAM MODELING FULLTIME. At least not until you have an established fan base. This is another thing recruiters fail to tell you when they mention three figure dollar amounts. Webcam models who make that much money have taken the time to retain solid regular customers. Regular customers are key. They get email notifications when you are online. They make sure to be online when that performer is online. They follow the models schedule. Models who have returning customers make the most money. You don’t make that kind of money by logging on randomly and hoping someone takes you private.
So how much money can you expect to make? This is a trick question. It all depends on how often you are online. My personal schedule is very conflicted. I have little time to be online. Generally, there are 2 weekdays where I can work 4 – 5 hours during the day. Then, I can work 3 nights during the week from 7:00 – 10:00. During these times I can make really good money. I really did not work even half of what i just listed during the months of July and August. During summer, I usually just logged on 2 nights a week for regular customers, but was able to make about $200 each night. Winter is far better for me and I make much more when I am confined to the house. Here are screen shots of my earnings on F4F from February through August:
That’s over $4,000 in 7 months working a few hours a night. Yes it’s not $250,000 a year, but I am working very minimal hours online. So for me, this is perfect. I was able to pay off my credit cards and do a lot of things over the summer I wouldn’t have been able to do with the income from my full time job. With winter approaching, I will be online more often and maximize my earning. By the end of the year I will be in double digits easily. I am hoping to be at $25,000 from webcam modeling alone.
Now, seeing what I make working minimal hours during my free time, maybe you can answer the question yourself as to how much does a webcam model make. You might be able to work more hours. You might be able to commit to a solid schedule. You may be better with people then me. You may be better looking then me. There are a million factors as to how much you can make as a webcam model, and those factors are completely in your control.
Remember, you do not have to be smoking hot. I am not. I don’t have a perfect body. I don’t think I am anything more then average looking. I don’t even compare to those models physically. I am just a normal, everyday looking person. I don’t turn heads when I’m in public, but online I am constantly told how beautiful I am, how perfect I am. What makes me so perfect? I guess it’s the fact I smile when I’m online and I connect to customers. Customers want that. In fact that is more valuable to them then a perfect body. Perfection is unattainable and customers know perfection is fantasy. Flaws are reality. Embrace everything about yourself and you can make a killing. The money is out there and it’s waiting for you.
Why not take the chance and find out for your self how much money you can make as a webcam model. I use these sites: F4F and With two sites, you can maximize your earnings and make the most of what you have.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Do Male Webcam Models Make Money
This question drives me insane. OMG. If I were a guy I think my earnings would be double. Guys on cam not only make money, but they make great money. Here’s the deal with guys. Look at all the girls on camera. There’s tons of them. With guys there are not as many on line, and the customer base for males is so much larger. And come on guys, we all know how curious you are. While it is true there are a lot of straight women who are online looking to watch guys, it is no secret that the gay population has exploded. You also have to factor in all the guys who are “straight” and living as straight but curious about guys.
Men modeling online have a big draw. They get not only the gay men visiting them, but also the curious men. This also answers the question why would someone pay to watch someone on a web cam when there are a million free outlets. Some customers choose to pay for a web cam model for many reasons. One of them is privacy. Just like most models want to keep their profile low and not be seen by people they know, customers who are curious would prefer the company of a web cam model who they know will not try to meet them, see them or out them. With the free sites, or messaging systems, there is a risk of running into someone who may know or threaten to expose that person. A web cam model provides the privacy that customer may want.
The curious crowd is a big one for gay web cam models. Their customers include young men and college students who are not out, live a straight life, but curious about men and want to watch men on cam without being known. Unlike a typical porn video, the web cam model can interact and answer questions. Older men who are married and can not, or do not want to damage their families or image visit webcam models to get the satisfaction they need without jeopardizing their families. Other older men enjoy the relationship and comfort of a younger man that they might get rejected by in a free room or in real life.
Men also have the advantage of having so many categories to choose from. In the gay world, men are defined by their looks (bears, twinks, muscle, swimmer’s build, guy next door, etc.). Regardless of what you look like as a male web cam performer, you will have a category that brings customers right to you based on what they like. have tons of categories to place yourself in where men and women searching can find you.
These sites also let you put in what you will perform on your profile and when any of these categories is selected by the customer, your profile will pop up for any as long as you have selected that what was chosen is something you do. You may have noticed “Birthday” and thought “What is that?” When it is a model’s birthday, he comes up in that search and customers can give birthday tips and presents.
A lot of straight guys ask about webcam modeling. Yes it is true, more men will want to watch you then women. But, there are a lot of women who do go online and spend time in privates with models. I know one model who s truly gay, yet women go into his room and have privates with him thinking he might really be straight. He is not at all and doesn’t pretend that he is to those customers. Yet, they like his body and personality enough that they don’t care. Now, you boys who are straight. Think back in your life. At some point did you experiment with a friend? Maybe have more to drink then you should have and messed around with your buddy. It happens a lot. I know it does so don’t play dumb. If you are that guy, you can make bank with categories like jerk buddy or bi-curious. There are several customers who like pleasing themselves with a guy but talking about and visualizing a woman. My advice to you if you are straight is to not lie about it. It may be a turn on to a gay customer if you are straight. But don’t get mad at customers when they ask your orientation and don’t act like you are superior to them because you may be straight. If you are straight, but have experimented, share that. It drives the guys wild.
On the other hand, if you are really gay, that drives the gay, straight or bi-curious guys really wild. There are a lot of models who claim to be straight but act gay on camera for the money. Customers love the real deal. The would take an average looking gay guy next door over a picturesque muscle jock who was straight just because they relate, they can think about actually being with that model, and they aren’t being used for their money.
Guys. If you ever thought about being a webcam model, do it. Especially if you like playing on the webcam. I know so many guys who webcammed other guys and I was like what is wrong with you? If you are gonna play on a cam, why not get paid for it. I mean really, if you’re gonna do it anyway, why not? And for all of you with the toned tight bodies, get on cam and make use of your bodies. I know even I like looking at a good man. Super sexy.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Are Webcam Modeling Sites Scams?
The internet is a scary thing. Especially when you are told how much money you can make on it in exchange for your personal information. Most people who are interested in modeling because of the money you can make are easily scared off when they actually go to register. The registration process is a scary one. A qualified, professional site will require you to submit your information. This generally includes a valid ID.
With all the scams on the internet, the last thing any one wants to do is submit their personal information to a site that deals with adult content. Webcam modeling sites are scary to begin with, but the the added thought of giving up your information makes it very nerve wracking, especially when you start actually filling out the forms.
The reason this information is needed is because a legitimate business needs proof that you are of legal age to perform on a webcam site. The legal age is 18. If a webcam modeling company does not ask for this information, and does not require you to submit this information, then be wary. It is most likely a scam. If the company does require this information, then you are dealing with a company that protects themselves, and in turn will protect you.
When a company that is trusted does take your information, it does so for two reasons. As mentioned above, to prove your age, and secondly for tax purposes. Any US based business issues a 1099 at the end of the year. Likewise, any properly run trusted business will have you fill out a W-2. If you do not have this form from the company you are signing up for it is most likely a scam.
So how do you know what sites are legitimate. Well, luckily I am here to tell you the best two are F4F and Internetmodeling. I work on all these and I can tell you after almost a year of working them, they are safe. They are verified, award winning, they keep your private information secure and most important, they pay what they say they will pay, and they pay on time.
But that is an easy answer. And who is to say you trust me anyway. So you can take my experience and turn them into cash, or go search for websites you think are secure. Here is what you will want to look for:
- Ownership Statement
- Verisign Trusted Logo
- 18 U.S.C 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement
- Rules & Regulations
- Request For Verification of Age
You can also do searches on web cam modeling companies in Google. See what other models say. See if you can find information on the sites. There are a handful that are in the business for the long run. Internetmodeling is the only site I would whole heatedly trust if you are looking to be a web cam model. You might find a million other sites out there that offer more money or make bigger promises, but ask yourself, are they just saying that to get something from me?
Internet fraud is a big deal. With today's economy it is so easy to believe things you want to. We are hopeful by nature. It's easier to dream big then it is to give up. You should dream big, but you should be careful. You should be wary, but at the same time be aware that opportunity is out there. You need to find what's real and take advantage of it. This is a billion dollar industry. Why can't you take home your chunk of it? Now that you know how to find what is real and what is a scam, there is no reason to be afraid to sign up. Stop waiting and start earning.
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